Astroneer Wiki

Les Panneaux solaires sont un module dans Astroneer. Une fois exposés à la lumière du jour, ils produiront de l'énergie.

A la différence du Panneau solaire moyen, les Panneaux solaires ne doivent pas être placés sur une plateforme mais sur le sol, artificiel ou non.



  • Power Production Rate: 8 Units/s
  • Solar Arrays are cheaper than RTGs, but are absolutely not portable due to being T3-sized objects even when packaged.
  • In comparison to RTGs, Solar Arrays are an ideal match to bases which already have lots of Batteries for power storage, since they don't provide power at night.
  • Solar Arrays are ostensibly the best power producer for locations with permanent or frequent sunlight.


  • It produces twice as much power as a player-made RTG (4 U/s).
  • The Solar array is 16x as powerful as the Small Solar and 4x as much as the Medium Solar.