Astroneer Wiki
Extenders Extenders
Tier Small
Group Item
Type Power Routing
Crafted at Icon Backpack Backpack or Icon Small Printer Small Printer
Recipe 1x Icon Copper Copper
Unlock Cost 500 Bytes

Extenders are power routing items that are used to extend the distances of the power cables for bases, and can be used to support power networks between distant bases. Extenders allow power to flow in only one direction, which is dictated by the direction that the cable is connected to an extender.

If an Icon Oxygenator Oxygenator is connected, extenders will supply Oxygen to platforms they connect to. Extenders are created in packs of 5.


Output Input Module
Icon Extenders Extenders Icon Copper Copper Icon Backpack Backpack or Icon Small Printer Small Printer


To use extenders, they must either be in the widget slot of the Backpack or placed on the ground.

To place an extender in the widget slot, press either context key (for PC: C or V, Xbox: Xbox One - LB or Xbox One - RB, PS4: PS4 - L1 or PS4 - R1, Switch: Switch - L or Switch - R depending on which slot the extenders are on) and it will drop to the side of the player. The player can also hold a cable, and press the context key to place the extender at the cable's end location, connecting the cable to it without having to connect it manually.

To place an extender from a pack on the ground, the player must hold PC: F, Xbox: Xbox One - Y, PS4: PS4 - Triangle, Switch: Switch - X over the pack to pop out one of the extenders, then it can be moved to where the player wants it.

  • Vehicles and Icon Splitter Splitters have extender-like mechanics built into them, in which power can only flow one way. This excludes vehicles connecting to another vehicle. This would create a rover chain.
  • By default, Extenders will place cables with directed power, meaning it only flows in the direction the connection was made, only if excess power is available. By activating a placed Extender, it can be changed to networked power mode, meaning power flows evenly through the cable (as a regular platform connection would).
    • This function is very useful to direct which part of the base should prioritize getting power. A Icon Splitter Splitter is also good for this task, especially since you can restrict power to parts as well.
    • This one-way functionality can be useful when making automatic backup generators, as the extender can be used to prevent the backup generator from powering a power sensor.
    • If you need power to flow both ways, it is recommended to use a Icon Worklight Worklight, Icon Small Solar Panel Small Solar Panel or Icon Small Wind Turbine Small Wind Turbine as an extender instead, or have another line of extenders going through a platform without extenders.
    • If you unplug an extender anywhere in the line and plug it back in in the opposite direction, the entire line will reverse.
    • Placed extenders can be moved after being placed. When the distance to the connected object is too long, the connection will break.

