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Creative Mode is a mode in Astroneer that allows players to create anything they want, with no need to gather resources or bytes.

Creative Mode comes with the ability to fly around freely, without needing the use of Jet Packs. It also features the ability to use Terrain Anchors to lock the LOD level at maximum, allowing players to view builds from further away with no loss of detail.

Playing in Creative Mode will disable achievements permanently in the save file.

Creative Menu[]

The Creative Mode menu is accessed in the Esc menu with the following options:

Option Description
Creative Mode Toggle to enable or disable Creative Mode
Free Oxygen Players no longer need to manage oxygen consumption
Free Vehicle Fuel Vehicles no longer require fuel
Unlimited Backpack Power Unlimited backpack power
Invincible Player will no longer take damage
Invisible to Hazards Hazards will no longer react to players
Remove Decorators While Painting When in painting mode, decorators will be destroyed
Disable Resource Collection Enable to prevent resource gathering
Show Terrain Anchor Status Show Icon Terrain Anchor Terrain Anchor area of effect and power status
Show Cursor Light Enable lighting on the Terrain Tool analyzer
Flight Speed Adjust the speed of flight mode
Drone Speed Adjust the speed of Drone
Time of Day Adjust the sun's position in the sky
Sun Orbit Adjust the angle of the sun's orbit
Solar Time Multiplier Adjust the length of the day and night cycle
Camera Drone Switch between launch mode and recall drone mode

Creative Controls[]

Creative Mode has various controls to do different things compared to the regular gameplay. They are as follows:

Action PC Xbox PlayStation Switch
Open Terrain Tool Menu F Xbox One - Y PS4 - Triangle Switch - X
Cycle Terrain Tool Mode C/V Xbox One - LB/Xbox One - RB PS4 - L1/PS4 - R1 Switch - ZL/Switch - ZR
Increase Deform Speed (Open Terrain Tool) Hold X + Middle Click Xbox One - D-Pad Right PS4 - D-Pad Right Switch - Right
Decrease Deform Speed (Open Terrain Tool) Hold X + Middle Click Xbox One - D-Pad Left PS4 - D-Pad Left Switch - Left
Increase Deform Size (Open Terrain Tool) Hold z + Middle Click Xbox One - D-Pad Up PS4 - D-Pad Up Switch - Up
Decrease Deform Size (Open Terrain Tool) Hold z + Middle Click Xbox One - D-Pad Down PS4 - D-Pad Down Switch - Right
Enter/Exit Flight Mode Double tap Spacebar Double Tap Xbox One - A Double tap PS4 - Cross Double tap Switch - A
Duplicate Held Item Enter Xbox One - D-Pad Right PS4 - D-Pad Right Switch - Right
Delete Held Item Backspace Xbox One - D-Pad Left PS4 - D-Pad Left Switch - Left

Creative Mode Research Catalog[]

The Research Catalog behaves differently to the normal catalog. Instead of using Bytes to learn blueprints, the player may pop out the item directly by clicking the button. The catalog includes all blueprints available in the normal game, as well as Item Plinths, a category for Resources and Seeds, Technology Research Items and Samples, and a category for all items combined.

Creative Tool[]

The Creative Tool is similar in function to the Terrain Tool, with extra functions. It can raise, lower and flatten terrain, with two new options to pick color directly from surrounding soil and a painting mode, removing the need to use Terrain Analyzers and a Inhibitor Mod to paint terrain. Pressing R while holding the tool will bring up the Creative Tool menu, with options to change deform speed, size and range of the reticle, and an option to ignore hardness while digging. Below those are color options, allowing the player to select from a preset of colors on the left, and all colors found on the planet on the right.

Aero Drone[]

Aero is a camera drone that is only available in Creative Mode, and it allows for players to get clear views and can be used to take better images or videos without a player being in the frame. There is an option to toggle on and off the UI in the Creative options menu.

Creative Mode Items[]

Creative Mode features items that are not available for free or otherwise in Adventure Mode. These give the player easy ways to access items or modify the terrain in ways not possible normally.

Leveling Block[]

The Leveling Block allows the player to create perfectly flat cubes of terrain, allowing for large, flat areas to build upon. In Creative Mode, the Leveling Block has unlimited uses.

Terrain Anchor[]

The Terrain Anchor locks the level of detail of terrain within the radius to maximum, allowing the area to be seen from any distance without loss of detail.

Item Plinths[]

Item Plinths are items available only in Creative Mode in the Research Catalog. They come in five variations, with the four Printer Plinths containing items created by those sized printers and the Ingredient Plint containing all resources in the game.

