Astroneer Wiki
Astroneer Wiki
Hydrogen Hydrogen
Nugget Hydrogen
Tier Small
Group Resource
Type Atmospheric
Byte Value 100 Bytes
Bytes per Minute 40

Hydrogen is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. It is an orange-yellow gas that is stored in a spherical canister. A yellow ring on top indicates how much gas is left in the canister.


Hydrogen can be found on the following planets using the Icon Atmospheric Condenser Atmospheric Condenser:

Icon Sylva Sylva : 75 ppu
Icon Calidor Calidor : 50 ppu
Icon Vesania Vesania : 100 ppu
Icon Novus Novus : 25 ppu


Hydrogen is used to craft the following items :

Module Output Input
Icon Chemistry Lab Chemistry Lab Icon Hydrazine Hydrazine Icon Ammonium Ammonium x2
Icon Hydrogen Hydrogen

AstroWiki Warning Spoiler Warning: Information below contains information that may ruin your enjoyment of discovering the game's secrets for yourself. Proceed at your own risk.

Hydrogen is used to activate the Gateway Engine on Icon Atrox Atrox. (hover to reveal)


  • Hydrogen will explode either when Dynamite is set off nearby or when placed in an active Smelting Furnace.
  • When exploded in a Medium Gas Canister, the explosion is smaller than if it had been a single Hydrogen canister placed individually


  • The icon for Hydrogen resembles a real life Hydrogen atom, as both only have 1 electron on the outer shell.

