Astroneer Wiki
Medium Battery Medium Battery
Medium Battery
Tier Medium
Group Item
Type Power Storage
Crafted at Icon Small Printer Small Printer
Recipe 1x Icon Zinc Zinc
1x Icon Lithium Lithium
Unlock Cost 3,750 Bytes

The Medium Battery is a power storage item in Astroneer. It can hold more power than a Small Battery, and makes for a good reserve of power mid-game.


Output Input Module
Icon Medium Battery Medium Battery Icon Zinc Zinc
Icon Lithium Lithium
Icon Small Printer Small Printer


  • Power Throughput Rate: 5 U/s
  • Power Capacity: 512 U
  • The Medium Battery has 16 visible columns, each of which is equivalent to 32 Units.

Like the Icon Small Battery Small Battery, Medium Batteries accumulate power when production of energy exceeds demand for energy. The Medium Battery will give away its stored energy whenever the network doesn't produce enough energy.


  • Battery Backup requires the player to fully charge a Battery.
  • The confusingly named "Medium Battery" requires the player to print a Medium Battery.


  • Traveling to different planets will make the yellow bars move off of the center of the battery. The moved bars can not be collided with, but do move the outline of the battery when hovered over. Extensive space travel worsens the effect. This can normally be fixed by either resetting the game or packing the battery, then unpacking it.
  • Lacking visible horizontal lines to mark individual 'bars' found on the Icon Small Battery Small Battery, each of the 16 vertical columns is effectively eight bars on a Small Battery.
  • Accounting for size efficiency, it could ostensibly be useful in some situations to fill a Icon Medium Storage Medium Storage or a Icon Medium Storage Silo Medium Storage Silo with Small Batteries if throughput is desired.


  • Medium Batteries used to be able to be found deep in caves at the end of tunnels rarely.

