Astroneer Wiki
Medium Wind Turbine Medium Wind Turbine
Medium Wind Turbine
Tier Medium
Group Item
Type Power Generation
Crafted at Icon Small Printer Small Printer
Recipe 1x Icon Aluminum Aluminum
1x Icon Ceramic Ceramic
Unlock Cost 2,500 Bytes

The Medium Wind Turbine is a power generation item. Just like the Icon Small Wind Turbine Small Wind Turbine, it generates power from wind.


Output Input Module
Icon Medium Wind Turbine Medium Wind Turbine Icon Aluminum Aluminum
Icon Ceramic Ceramic
Icon Small Printer Small Printer


Average Power rate for Medium Wind Turbine on various Planets
Planet Wind Multiplier Power Output (U/s)
Icon Sylva Sylva Medium (48%) 2.4u/s
Icon Desolo Desolo Very Low (25%) 1.25u/s
Icon Calidor Calidor Low (40%) 2u/s
Icon Vesania Vesania High (56%) 2.8u/s
Icon Novus Novus High (58%) 2.9u/s
Icon Glacio Glacio High (56%) 2.8u/s
Icon Atrox Atrox Very Low (25%) 1.25u/s


  • The Medium Wind Turbine also functions in space, though this is believed to be a bug.
  • It also works on Desolo, even though this moon lacks an atmosphere.
  • They are useful for powering rovers and some bases in the large caves because the caves usually have drafts of wind. This is not a bug.

See Also[]

