Astroneer Wiki
The solar panels you can craft in your backpack (left) and on the printer (right).

The small and medium solar panels you can craft in your Backpack (left) and on the Printer (right).

Solar Panels are power production items that produce consistent power when exposed directly to sunlight. Power outputs vary depending on which solar device is being used and the planet that it is being used on.

Small Solar Panel[]

Small Solar Panel

Small Solar Panels are crafted in your backpack's printer, using Copper. These panels can be placed on any item slot, but if placed in the backpack they will only produce power when in a widget slot. Like most other Tier 1 power items, Small Solar Panels may be placed on the ground as if it were its own platform with its own set of cables.

When exposed to sunlight, the panel will orient itself automatically toward the sun (if possible) and produce 1.0 U/s of power, or enough to fill one bar on a Small Battery in 4 seconds. If the panel is not exposed to the sun, it will point up relative to whatever it is attached to.

Medium Solar Panel[]

Medium Solar Panel

Medium Solar Panels are crafted using the Small Printer, using 1 Copper and 1 Glass. They can be placed on any Tier-2 slot. When not exposed to sunlight, the two halves of the panel will fold inward, and will unfold when exposed to the sun.

Medium Solar Panels produce power at 4.0 U/s, four times as much as a Small Solar Panel.

Large Solar Panel[]

Large Solar Panel

The Large Solar Panel are crafted with the Medium Printer, and must be placed in a Tier 3 slot. When exposed to sunlight, it produces 9.0 U/s of power. While not exposed to sunlight, 4 of the 5 panels will fold inwards, and will unfold when exposure is regained.

Solar Array[]

Solar Array

A Solar Array, plugged in and providing power. Points in the direction of the sun.

The Solar Array is the largest craftable solar panel, being made in the large printer. They can be crafted using 1 Copper, 1 Glass, 1 Graphene, and 1 Aluminum Alloy. Solar Arrays do not require a platform to function, instead coming with built-in ground anchors and power cables, much like the Small Solar Panel.

When exposed to sunlight, the Solar Array produces 14.0 U/s of power, which is fourteen times more than a Small Solar Panel and 3.5 times more than a Medium Solar Panel.

Wrecked Solar Array[]

Wrecked Solar Array

A Wrecked Solar Array lodged inside of a mountain on Sylva.

The Wrecked Solar Array is the only non-craftable solar panel, found naturally as debris on all planets. When plugged in and exposed to sunlight, the Wrecked Solar Array provides 64 U/s of power. They only have panels on one side, and must be placed with the connection point facing upwards to work.

Sun Effectiveness[]

Each planet has its own Sun effectiveness, which affects the power produced by the solar panels.

Average Power rate for Solar Panels on various Planets
Planet Sun Multiplier Small Solar Panel Medium Solar Panel Large Solar Panel (U/s) Solar Array (U/s) Wrecked Solar Array (U/s)
Icon Sylva Sylva Medium 1.0 1.0U/s 4.0U/s 8.0 14.0 64.0
Icon Desolo Desolo High 1.5 1.5U/s 6.0U/s 12.0 21.0 96.0
Icon Calidor Calidor Very High 1.75 1.75U/s 7.0U/s 14.0 24.5 112.0
Icon Vesania Vesania Low 0.5 0.5U/s 2.0U/s 4.0 7.0 32.0
Icon Novus Novus High 1.5 1.5U/s 6.0U/s 12.0 21.0 96.0
Icon Glacio Glacio Very Low 0.25 0.25U/s 1.0U/s 2.0 3.5 16.0
Icon Atrox Atrox Low 0.5 0.5U/s 2.0U/s 4.0 7.0 32.0

