Astroneer Wiki
For the original planet, see Terran (Old).

Type Icon Sylva Terran Planet
Size Medium
Difficulty Easy
Day/Night Cycle ~12 Minutes
Notable Resources
Caves Icon Sphalerite Sphalerite
Mantle/Mountains Icon Malachite Malachite
Sun Medium
Wind Medium

Sylva is a Terran Planet in Astroneer, with the moon Desolo orbiting it. It is the third planet, as well as the starting planet, with everything a player needs to begin their adventure. It has an average atmosphere and is overall very temperate and pleasant. Power generation on Sylva is balanced enough for the player to effectively use solar panels, wind turbines, or generators.

Physical characteristics[]

Sylva is the Astroneer analog of Earth, featuring several distinct biomes. Much of the planet's surface is covered by plains and forests, providing a natural habitat for a lush population of flora, giving the planet an overall green appearance. There are also rocky mountains with little vegetation. Long, deep ravines may also be found across the planet's surface, making travel in some areas dangerous.

Below the surface, an expansive cave system stretches to the outer core, with a large mantle-layer cavern filled with giant mushrooms.

Sylva has a transparent atmosphere with a slight blueish hue, thick white clouds form an intermittent layer above the ground.


Abundant deposits of compound and resin are scattered around Sylva's surface. On the plains, occasional deposits of clay can be encountered, whereas some forests harbor ammonium. Graphite layers surround some of the ravines and in the mountains, malachite veins can be found.

In the lower layers of Sylva's crust and mantle, rich veins of quartz, laterite, sphalerite, and malachite offer sufficient resources to prepare for other adventures.


Sylva has a generous amount of flora available across the planet. The plains, hills, and forests give home to numerous plants, including trees, ferns, and grasses. Underground, some areas have small mushrooms in the upper layers and larger fungi trees in the mantle layer. As such, plenty of organic can be harvested.

Hazardous flora also can be found around Sylva. Bouncevine may be found on the mountain slopes, while Popcoral, Daggeroot and Hissbine are found underground, with Popcoral being more common.

Notable Resources[]

Notable Resources Location
Icon Sphalerite Sphalerite Cave Layer
Icon Malachite Malachite Gray Mountains and Mantle Layer
Gases Parts Per Unit (PPU)
Icon Hydrogen Hydrogen 75 PPU
Icon Nitrogen Nitrogen 100 PPU

Gateway Network[]

AstroWiki Warning Spoiler Warning: Information below contains information that may ruin your enjoyment of discovering the game's secrets for yourself. Proceed at your own risk.

Sylva has six Gateway Chambers, each requiring 5U/s of power for 30 seconds to be activated. The easiest way to achieve it is to use 3 Small Generators. At least one must be activated before the player can access the Gateway Engine in the core of the planet.

Once a Gateway Chamber has been activated, the Gateway Engine opens in the core. Placing a single Icon Quartz Quartz in one of the slots reveals the Geometric Triptych. Placing the Geometric Triptych in the slot on the opposite side (above you) will activate the engine, revealing the Odd Stone and allowing teleportation to the core as well as revealing the inactive node for the Gateway Portal if it has not yet been discovered.

