The Tractor is a type of Rover in Astroneer. With its cheap research and crafting costs and early utility, it is mostly used as the player's first vehicle. It has a T2 Attachment Slot on the front of the vehicle and a power port on back. The Tractor can pull up to three other Rovers by attaching them to the rear power port.
Like other Rovers, the Tractor has no Power when created. The internal battery can be charged by connecting it to a base or by attaching a power source to one of its Attachment Slots.
Provides Oxygen wherever it is stationed or when the player is driving.
Attaching a Drill to the front of the tractor allows the player to quickly tunnel through soil. Using the camera angle, the player can delve to the depths of the planet with ease.
Enter/Exit a tractor by pressing (PC: , Xbox: , PS4: , Switch: ). The player will always try to exit to the right of the tractor.
The tractor’s front slots can be used like a backpack Attachment Slot by pressing (for PC: or , Xbox: or , PS4: or , Switch: or ).
The official artwork for the Tractor states the following:
The EXO Tractor, nicknamed ”UTE”, is an all terrain utility vehicle built to be maneuverable in tight spaces and haul items through rough terrain. Use in conjunction with EXO drills and EXO trailers for long spelunking missions. (Disclaimer: Not for chasing kangaroos)