Astroneer Wiki
Usagi Usagi
Binomial Name G. desolo
Buff While on the current planet, tracks the nearest valuable curiosities on the compass
Favorite Food Mutant Hissbine Seed

Usagi is one of the seven Galastropods in Astroneer.


Usagi is rewarded by completing the G. desolo: Recovery mission, after providing an Empty Terrarium with Soil, Tungsten, and a Daggeroot seed for the G. desolo: Terrarium mission.


Usagi makes certain curiosities (wrecks, Marbles, Stone Figurines, etc.) show up with a marker on the compass for 10 minutes when fed a seed. Feeding Usagi a Mutant Hissbine Seed increases the buff to 30 minutes.


The following lore may be accessed through the Data Log panel on the Xenobiology Lab.

Galastropoda desolo // Usagi[]

"An adventurous and playful companion who is an expert at finding shiny things when well fed. Usagi will happily help point out places to check out on any planet you're on, no matter where she resides."


  • Usagi is the Japanese word for rabbit. The name was most likely chosen based on the Eastern folklore of the rabbit that lives on the Moon, because Desolo is the moon of Sylva, an Earth-like planet.

